
 American Gaming Association President and CEO Bill Miller sent a letter to President Trump

 AGA Writes President Regarding SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program. Last week, American Gaming Association President and CEO Bill Miller sent a letter to President Trump regarding the Paycheck Protection Program’s (PPP) Interim Final Rules released by the Small Business Administration (SBA).
The American Gambling Association has written to the President of the United States, requesting that the impact of the Check Protection Program (PPP) published by the country's Central Administration to protect Small Business (SBA) be expanded. In the letter we can read how the President is requested to continue responding to the economic, health and security needs of the American people in these difficult days, "respectfully requesting their immediate intervention to address a significant problem with the Interim Final Rules of the Program. of Check Protection (PPP) launched by the Small Business Administration (SBA) on April 2, 2020. "

The AGA believes that these provisional measures are based on outdated and discriminatory policies that focus only on small businesses and make gaming operators ineligible for critical credit assistance designed to help small businesses pay their employees. as long as they meet the size eligibility requirements. Therefore, in order to cover a majority of businesses and workers, consideration is given to keeping employees on the payroll and not facilitating the interruption of their work by issuing checks that temporarily substitute wages.

Read the letter HERE

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