
 UNLV Sums Up 2021 and the Positive Impact on the Community (Video)

 The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, home of the International Gaming Institute (IGI) and the International Center for Gaming Regulation (IGRA) has made a detailed analysis of the positive impact on the community during 2021, thanks to the research and work of professors and students.
The president of UNLV, Keith E. Whitfield, oversaw the speech and highlighted the important results of the work led by university researchers, as well as the strategic alliances that have allowed them to be achieved.

Also, he has explained the projects of new facilities that will allow to increase the capacity of students and therefore contribute with a greater number of professionals for the state of Nevada.

We must point out that important agreements have been mentioned with companies such as MGM Resorts when carrying out actions in the state, such as the case of support for minors with limited resources.

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