
 EGT Interactive transforms its participation in ICE London 2022

 EGT Interactive transforms its participation in ICE London 2022
 EGT Interactive announces the transformation of its participation in ICE London 2022, in this way it will go from having an exhibition area to a networking room.
 EGT Interactive confirms that it will join the exhibition through a modern meeting space where the commercial team can meet with partners and delegates.

Likewise, the company confirms that it will continue to support Clarion's exclusive events despite the current difficult scenario. In this regard, they explain that despite the complex prerequisites, situation in Ukraine, COVID-19 restrictions, and unfavorable dates, the business teams will do their best to be present and meet their partners.

Regarding this new form of participation, Irina Rusimova, Chief Business Development Officer at EGT Interactive, values the importance of the London fair and says: “Despite the fact we won't do a festive presentation in the way we are used to, we are excited to attend. Come to our networking area (N15-160) to present our entertaining products and share details about our new name!”
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