
Pascal Camia awarded Knight in the Order of Saint-Charles by Prince Albert II

Pascal Camia awarded Knight in the Order of Saint-Charles by Prince Albert II
Pascal Camia, Chief International Development Officer of the Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer (SBM) Group, has been honored with the prestigious distinction of Knight in the Order of Saint-Charles, presented by Prince Albert II of Monaco.
This recognition reflects his dedication to the Monte-Carlo SBM Group, the Monegasque State, and, notably, to the Prince and His Family, to whom he expressed his deepest gratitude.

This honor carries special meaning for Camia, as it was also awarded to his great-grandfather, Félix Camia, for his participation in the four Spitsbergen expeditions led by Prince Albert I between 1898 and 1910.

In his statement, Camia said: “This honor fills me with pride and binds me with great responsibility for the years to come. I owe it to my wife Sandrine, my daughters Marine and Margot, my family, and all those I have worked with in civil society and at Monte-Carlo SBM, who contributed to this recognition.”

With this distinction, Pascal Camia reaffirms his dedication to excellence and the legacy of the Monte-Carlo SBM Group, as well as his commitment to the development of the Monegasque State under the leadership of Prince Albert II.

Pascal Camia awarded Knight in the Order of Saint-Charles by Prince Albert II

Pascal Camia awarded Knight in the Order of Saint-Charles by Prince Albert II
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