
Anakatech from Sofia, Bulgaria, joins Cibelae as a new associate member

Anakatech from Sofia, Bulgaria, joins Cibelae as a new associate member
The Ibero-American Corporation of State Lotteries and Betting (Cibelae) has announced the addition of Anakatech as a new associate member, following approval during its Ordinary Assembly held on November 22, 2024.
Founded in 2012 and headquartered in Sofia, Bulgaria, Anakatech is a leader in developing platforms and comprehensive solutions for the iGaming industry. With a portfolio of over 150 internally developed games and an HTML5-based mobile gaming platform, Anakatech is renowned for its innovation and ability to deliver exceptional gaming experiences.

Anakatech’s global team of skilled professionals provides marketing, analytics, and support services, making it a strategic partner in driving the digital transformation of the gaming sector. This partnership strengthens Cibelae’s role in the gaming and betting ecosystem in Ibero-America, fostering innovation and a commitment to responsible practices.

Both organizations share core values such as open communication, originality, and responsible gaming, paving the way for collaboration to promote higher standards across the industry.
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