
Valencia (Spain): Workers denounce that the closure of gaming halls will entail massive layoffs and a drastic reduction in tax collection

Valencia (Spain): Workers denounce that the closure of gaming halls will entail massive layoffs and a drastic reduction in tax collection
 Workers in gaming halls in Valencia (Spain) don't give up. After their firm opposition in recent months to the gambling law approved in the Valencian Courts, this morning they have presented allegations to the Draft Decree of urgent measures for the application of the Gambling Law before the General Subdirectorate of Gambling of the Finance Council and Economic Model of the Valencian Community.
Gaming halls' workers consider that each new step that the administration takes supposes a new “blow” to their labor expectations. According to Vicente Contreras, vice president of UTSAJU (Union of Gaming Halls Workers), "the administration is doing everything in its power to end the gaming halls in the Valencian Community, and with them, our jobs." Contreras explained "the enormous concern" of the workers and their families for measures that, far from softening the approved regulations, impose new obstacles to the maintenance of their jobs".

In the allegations presented, the workers point out that “both the law and this contested decree seriously jeopardize the maintenance of our jobs. The distance established by the regulation supposes the instability of our jobs since these will depend on distances that will never be fixed or safe. That is, with the current law, those gaming halls that are less than 800 meters from an educational center must close and, at best, move to another location. But, what happens if after the transfer and purchase or rental of premises, the adaptation of the same and the hiring of personnel, any administration decides to build an educational center less than 800 meters from the gaming hall? By not complying with the law and this regulation, the gaming hall must move again and from UTSAJU we doubt that the affected businessmen want and can bear these expenses, which will inevitably mean the dismissal of workers.” Workers ask that the distance obligation apply only to new authorizations.

Lastly, and in relation to commercial information outside the gaming establishments, the Union of Gaming Halls Worker considers that the Valencian Generalitat "invades the powers of the State and the municipalities". In Contreras' opinion, the fact that the decree prohibits advertising on the facades, windows and doors of gaming establishments "invades state powers by establishing restrictions not contemplated by law 34/1988, of November 11, General of Advertising and also invades municipal powers since it is the municipalities that, according to Law 7/1985, of April 2, who can regulate the places where there may or may not be advertising”.

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