
 Workers in the Catalan gaming sector launch the campaign: "It's not a game"

The workers of gaming halls, bingo halls and casinos in Catalonia started on Sunday December 27th the campaign "It's not a game", to publicize the discrimination of which the sector is a victim, since it has not been considered by the Catalan Government in the de-escalation process. In this way, the gaming industry is the only daytime activity that remains closed.
The Col·lectiu Català de Treballadors del Joc (CCTJ), which represents the 8,000 workers in the sector, calls for the reopening of the gaming premises, which are safe spaces, where the strictest biosecurity protocols have been implemented.

The workers' claim to the Generalitat also includes the equalization of the gaming sector to other activities such as shopping centers, gyms, theaters or lottery administrations. Furthermore, as stated by the CCTJ spokesman, Víctor Duce, it is urgent that decisions stop being based "on prejudices towards the sector."

On the other hand, they claim that 90% of the workers have not received the full SEPE benefit, and have only received 15 days in October. Not counting those cases that, since June, do not receive any income for this concept.
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