
 These are the 10 providers authorized to offer online gaming in the Netherlands

 These are the 10 providers authorized to offer online gaming in the Netherlands
The Kansspelautoriteit (Ksa, gaming authority in the Netherlands) has published the 10 companies that will receive a license to offer online gaming starting next Friday, October 1st, 2021.
Ksa has informed through a press release that the authorized companies are:
  1. TOTO Online BV
  2. FPO Netherlands BV
  3. Holland Casino NV
  4. NSUS Malta Limited
  5. Play North Ltd
  6. Tombola Limited
  7. Hillside (New Media Malta) Plc
  8. Bingoal Netherlands BV
  9. Betent BV
  10. LiveScore Malta Limited

On the other hand, the Gaming Authority anticipates that it will soon publish the Gaming Guide so that users can verify if a provider has an online gaming license in the Netherlands. In this regard, Ksa urges people who want to play online to do so with an authorized provider that offers the guarantee of strictly supervised fair play.

Read gaming guide

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