
Aristocrat publishes its 2021 Joint Statement on Modern Slavery in the UK and Australia

 Aristocrat has recently published its Statement on Modern Slavery in the UK and Australia 2021, a document detailing the actions taken by the group to prevent all forms of exploitation of workers in its business operations and supply chains.
We must emphasize that this Statement on Modern Slavery reflects and describes the Group's actions to identify, mitigate and monitor the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking, in addition to the measures implemented during previous financial years for risk mitigation.

Both Neil Chatfield, Chairman, and Trevor Croker, Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director, ratify the company's commitment and say: "We take a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking, and take our obligations to identify, mitigate and monitor these risks in our operations and supply chains".

The Group's approach to identifying the risks of modern slavery is based on three key indicators:

1. Industry, sector and product risk indicators:
They consider the risk that some industries and sectors may be more susceptible to modern slavery, considering the composition and location of the workforce. Thus, the risks may be higher in industries and sectors that rely heavily on temporary, unskilled, low-paid or migrant workers.

2. Geographic risk indicators:
They consider whether the countries where they operate have a relatively higher prevalence of modern slavery compared to other countries. To do this, they consider the 2018 Walk Free Global Slavery Index and assign risk ratings to countries based on that index.

In summary, Aristocrat explains that countries ranked 1-56 on the 2018 Global Slavery Index are treated as relatively high risk, countries ranked 57-111 on the 2018 Global Slavery Index are treated as relatively medium risk, and countries ranked 112 to 167 in the 2018 Global Slavery Index are treated as relatively low risk.

3. Indicators of freedom and working conditions of the worker:
The company assesses indicators on freedom of movement, including the freedom to leave your job, and indicators that working conditions may be poor.

In fiscal year 2021, Aristocrat has not identified any specific incidents of modern slavery in its operations or supply chains.

Aristocrat is currently developing its road map for further enhancements to the modern slavery compliance program in Financial Year 2022, in consultation with all divisions of the Group. Aristocrat currently intends to focus on the following themes:
  • Ongoing risk assessment and increasing risk maturity, to ensure that policies, procedures and risk mitigation measures remain risk-based and fit-for-purpose across our global operations and supply chain, and to address emerging areas of risk.
  • Enhanced engagement and collaboration with suppliers, to ensure that suppliers fully understand our standards and expectations; and
  • Improving the knowledge fluency and skills of employees who are responsible for responding to actual or suspected modern slavery incidents, to ensure that we have a consistent approach that reflects the best practice principles set out in our new Incident Response Guide.

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