
MERKUR UK Starts the Year by Making Donations to Six Charities

MERKUR UK Starts the Year by Making Donations to Six Charities
The first charity beneficiaries of 2024 are Kidney Research, The Stroke Association, homelessness organizations St Mungo’s and Centre Point alongside lesser-known organizations Action for Humanity and Momentum, whose mission is to provide support for families whose children are facing a life-challenging condition.
Tony Boulton, MERKUR UK’s Director of Public and Political Relations, said: “2024 will be the third anniversary of our MERKUR Initiative social project, which we created with a commitment to support a wide range of charities and good causes nominated by colleagues and venue customers.

“We set ourselves a target of helping 50 organizations a year, and I’m delighted that we are ahead of schedule.

“Official data shows that following COVID more than 3 million people have reduced or stopped their charitable donations, and for smaller regional organizations such as Momentum Children’s Charity, every donation makes a real difference.”

Victoria Futcher, Corporate Fundraiser at Momentum, underlined the importance of private sector donations, stating: “On behalf of everyone at Momentum Children’s Charity and the many families with seriously ill children that we support, I am writing to thank everyone at MERKUR UK for this generous donation.”

Tony Boulton added: “It’s important to reference the support of Milton Keynes-based Sarah Gillett who collates all of the nominations we receive, undertakes due diligence, liaises with all of the MERKUR Initiative supported organizations, and undertakes the post-donation follow-ups which are central to the process.”
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