
NOVOMATIC Showcases Gaming Innovations at BEGE 2024

NOVOMATIC Showcases Gaming Innovations at BEGE 2024
At the upcoming Balkan Entertainment and Gaming Expo (BEGE), NOVOMATIC, Europe's largest gaming technology group, will present a stellar lineup of cutting-edge products and regional bestsellers tailored to the Balkan market. Celebrating its 15th edition, the BEGE trade show will take place at Sofia Expo Center from November 27-28, transforming the venue into the hub of the regional gaming industry.
Visitors to the NOVOMATIC stand (#2.11) will be introduced to the innovative DIAMOND X™ 1.55J cabinet, featuring the latest Linked Progressives like CASH FLOOD™ Link and GODS & LEGENDS™ Link, as well as the popular XTENSION LINK™ Volume 2, known for its exceptional performance in casinos across various markets.

The new SUPERIA GAMES™ Link 1 will debut, offering a collection of 25 titles from the celebrated CASH CONNECTION™ and GOLDEN LINK™ series. Other notable highlights include the BLACK EDITION II XL 3.32, paired with the exclusive NOVO LINE™ CASH CONNECTION™ Edition 4, and the BLACK EDITION II 3.27, with three 27” screens displaying the exciting NOVO LINE™ Edition X4 and Impera Line™ HD Edition 9.

Beyond the products, NOVOMATIC promises a lively experience at their booth, complete with entertainment and refreshments courtesy of AdmiralBet Pub. Miloš Peji?, NOVOMATIC Regional Manager SEE, commented: “Our lineup offers solutions for all markets, including the Balkans and beyond. We invite visitors to explore our products and enjoy the NOVOMATIC experience in Sofia.”

NOVOMATIC Showcases Gaming Innovations at BEGE 2024
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