
 Peru announces the reopening of gaming establishments with a capacity of 40%

 Peru announces the reopening of gaming establishments with a capacity of 40%

   Claudia Cornejo, Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism

The government of Peru has announced that the 750 authorized gaming establishments will be able to reopen with a 40% capacity, within the framework of Phase 4 of the resumption of economic activities.

In this regard, the premises will have to comply with a strict biosecurity protocol to guarantee the health of employees, clients and third parties, such as suppliers, inspectors, etc.
 Since September, Peru has approved a ministerial order with a specific protocol for the sector; however, they have incorporated new measures and anticipate that the necessary changes may be made depending on the epidemiological circumstances.

Two of the changes to the approved protocol are: 1) the minimum social distancing within the premises will be 1.5 meters (previously it was 1 meter); 2) Each local will have a person responsible for weekly informing the authorities about the compliance with the capacity, a report that will have the quality of an affidavit.

Other measures that gaming establishments must follow are:
  • Mandatory use of a mask
  • Incorporation of hand washing stations
  • Physical or corporal distancing.

On the other hand, the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Claudia Cornejo, highlighted the great capacity to generate employment in the sector, which currently employs 114 thousand citizens, of which 75% are women.

Biosafety protocol for gaming halls (September 2020)
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