
 888poker recovers record refunds from AI-assisted bot accounts for players

 888 Holdings is using artificial intelligence (AI) to recover funds from bot accounts. Because of this, the 888poker brand is on track to return nearly $300,000 in rebates to its players this year.
888 Holdings reveals major advances in solving the problem of bots, which use software programming to create unfair advantages over real-life players. In this regard, in the first half of 2022, 888poker has already refunded approximately $80k to 1,390 players, which means that the total amount refunded to players since last year comes to almost $300k.

We must point out that the use of AI has allowed the company to improve its bot detection capabilities and thus guarantee a safe, fair and pleasant poker experience for its users.

Matan Krakow, Poker Offering Group Manager at 888poker, highlights that the advances have been made possible not only by greater investment in bot detection, “but also through the continued support and cooperation of our players, who have an important role to play in helping provide us with vital information about players they think are using AI and RTA”.
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