
Labour Party Minister for Gambling, Baroness Twycross, Announces Departure of Marcus Boyle as Gambling Commission Chair

Marcus Boyle has announced his decision to step down as Chair of the Gambling Commission, with his term set to conclude on 31 January 2025.
During his tenure, the Commission reached significant milestones, including the awarding and launch of the fourth National Lottery licence, which has driven funds raised for good causes to exceed £50 billion. He also oversaw the ongoing implementation of the Gambling Act Review and White Paper aimed at reducing gambling harm, as well as the recruitment of a new Board of Commissioners.

In April 2024, the Commission published a comprehensive three-year strategy outlining planned advancements through 2027, focusing on transparency and data use. With the strategy now in motion, Marcus leaves the Commission in a strong position and with a clearly defined path forward.

The Board of Commissioners and colleagues at the Gambling Commission have expressed their gratitude for Marcus’s leadership, dedication, and contributions over the past three years, wishing him well for the future.

The Minister for Gambling, Baroness Twycross, said:

“The past three years have been very significant for the Commission, as it takes forward measures set out in the Gambling Act Review and the start of the fourth National Lottery licence.

“I am grateful for Marcus’s hard work and commitment to the Gambling Commission and public service over his tenure and wish him the best for his future endeavours.”
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