
Gambling Commission confirms Andrew Rhodes as permanent CEO


   Andrew Rhodes CEO Gambling Commission

Gambling Commission has confirmed the permanent appointment of Andrew Rhodes as CEO, who has taken over as interim CEO from June 2021.
 We must remember Andrew Rhodes was originally appointed interim CEO for a period of 18 months, following the resignation of Neil McArthur.

He previously held various senior positions in public and private sector organisations, including Swansea University, the Department for Work and Pensions, the Department of Food Standards Agency and the DVLA.

According to the Gambling Commission, the CEO "will continue to work closely with chair Marcus Boyle, the Board of Commissioners, and the Commission's senior leadership team to ensure Great Britain's gambling industry is regulated strongly and effectively," said the Commissiona.

“He will also continue his stakeholder engagement program with consumers, industry, parliamentarians and those with lived experience”, they add.
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