
 MERKUR Casino UK raises £1,000 to support Stonewall Charity and its advocacy for LGBTQ+ people

 To celebrate Pride Month, MERKUR Casino UK has raised £1,000 to support the Stonewall Charity, an organization that has helped create transformative change in the lives of LGBTQ+ people across the UK.
Stonewall Charity has been campaigning as part of a global movement since 1989, and they have contributed to transformative change in the lives of LGBTQ+ people in UK communities.

In this regard, they have been part of all the important struggles for LGBTQ+ rights, including:
  • An equal age of consent for gay and bi men
  • The end of Section 28 in Scotland and England and Wales
  • Same-sex couples becoming free to adopt children
  • LGBTQ+ people becoming free to serve openly in the Armed Forces
  • Protection from discrimination at work
  • The right for same sex-couples to have civil partnerships
  • The right for LGBTQ+ couples to be legally recognized as parents
  • The right for same-sex couples to get married
  • LGBTQ-inclusive teaching in the national curriculum
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