
Claudio Marinelli Receives the White Distinctive Cross from the Spanish Government for His Exceptional Service

On Thursday, October 5th, Claudio Marinelli was honored with the prestigious White Distinctive Cross, an accolade recognizing acts of high patriotism, loyalty, and outstanding duty performance. This distinction, bestowed by the Ministry of Interior of the Spanish Government, highlights the utility and prestige he brings to the National Police Force.
The award ceremony took place during the commemorations of the patron saint of the National Police, the Holy Guardian Angels, at the Canillas police complex in Madrid. The event was an emotional moment, with Claudio Marinelli accompanied by his beloved family.

Claudio Marinelli serves as the Operations Coordinator and Head of the Anti-Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Unit at INTERPOL's Financial Crimes and Anti-Corruption Centre (IFCACC) in Lyon, France. He leads INTERPOL's Match-Fixing Task Force, a permanent global operational network of investigators dealing with the manipulation of sports competitions.

As a Senior Financial Investigator of the Italian Economic and Financial Police (Guardia di Finanza), he is seconded from Italy to the Organization. He brings extensive experience in national and international criminal and financial investigations, as well as in international police cooperation.

In addition to his distinguished career, Claudio Marinelli is fluent in three languages and holds a degree in Economics, with specialization from the Economic and Financial Superior School of Guardia di Finanza in financial investigations and asset recovery. He is responsible for coordinating a significant number of international cases and organizing training, workshops, and seminars at both domestic and international levels as an organizer, trainer, and speaker. His work focuses on applying financial investigation and asset recovery principles in a wide range of criminal and disciplinary areas, including in sports. He is an INTERPOL certified trainer and author of professional books.

This distinction is a testament to Claudio Marinelli's exceptional commitment and dedication in the fight against corruption and financial crimes on an international scale.

We sincerely congratulate Claudio for this well-deserved recognition.
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