

Paul Gauselmann donates 20,000 euros and contributes to reforestation in Germany


Paul Gauselmann, founder and CEO of the Gauselmann Group, has reaffirmed his commitment to nature and his decision to fight against climate change. Thus, on this occasion, he has donated 20,000 euros to plant 8,000 trees in an area of the Bielefeld forest in northern Germany.


This important contribution to the fundraising of "A piece of Bielefeld forest" joins the initiative founded by Paul Gauselmann himself in 2019, called "Trees for Life", which seeks reforestation in Germany and works for planting 85,000 trees, on the occasion of the businessman's 85th birthday.

In this regard, Gauselmann expressed: “Nature has always played an important role in my life. We can recharge our batteries in nature, especially in times of crisis like this. So now is the time to return something. "

On the other hand, Bielefeld Mayor Pit Clausen said: “In the current crisis situation, priorities have changed. But the time will come after the Coronavirus, and the problems and challenges that already exist will catch up with us. This also includes the troubling condition of our forest, an elemental habitat for people and animals. With this donation, we will be able to reforest around 20,000 square meters of the forest of the city of Bielefeld. It's really great".

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