
Return of Casinos to Ecuador: Popular Consultation Proposed by Daniel Noboa Aims to Generate Employment After the Loss of 25,000 Jobs

In an attempt to revitalize the economy and address the rising criminality and insecurity, President Daniel Noboa has put forth eleven questions in a popular consultation, including the possibility of reintroducing casinos, gaming rooms, and betting houses in Ecuador. The measure aims to reverse the 2011 popular consultation, which resulted in the prohibition of gambling businesses in the country.
After the closure of these activities in 2011, as a result of the popular consultation led by then-President Rafael Correa, it is estimated that at least 25,000 jobs were lost in the sector. Noboa's proposal highlights the need to generate employment and economic stability, arguing that the return of these activities, as long as they are carefully regulated, would contribute to mitigating insecurity in high-risk areas.

The proposed authorization for gambling businesses would be based on four main guidelines: zoning delineation, minimum investment amounts, infrastructure requirements for authorization and operation, and fees for the treatment of mental health and citizen security.

President Noboa emphasizes the potential benefits of the return of these businesses, including not only the creation of direct and indirect jobs but also the contribution to fiscal income and the improvement of security through the dismantling of illegal operations. The popular consultation poses the following question: "Do you agree to allow the operation of casinos, gaming rooms, betting houses, or businesses dedicated to the realization of gambling activities, under the conditions detailed in Annex 11 of the question?"

This proposal sparks a debate on the relationship between gambling, job creation, and security in Ecuador, and it is expected to be carefully examined by the Constitutional Court before implementation.

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